Today’s Digest 13. August 2013

News von Heute

  • China: Wieder Todesopfer durch Vogelgrippevirus (12.08) – SPIEGEL ONLINE
    In China ist erneut ein Mensch an einer H7N9-Infektion gestorben. Die Vogelgrippe galt als eingedämmt, seit Wochen gab es keine neuen Infektionen. Die offizielle Zahl der Todesopfer steigt damit auf 45. August 12, 2013 at 10:08PM
  • Gingrich: The gathering cyberstorm –
    Former U.S. presidential candidate Newt Gingrich explains why vital electric grids are most at risk from cyber attack. August 12, 2013 at 09:08PM
  • White House Calls For Increased Grid Spending
    NEW YORK (AP) — The cost of weather-related power outages is high and rising as storms grow more severe and the U.S. electric grid gets older, according to an Obama Administration report that calls for increased spending on the nation’s electric power system. Power outages cost the economy $18 billion to $33 billion per year, according to the report, a figure that has been rising steadily over the past 20 years. That can rise to $40 billion to $75 billion in years with severe storms such as 2008’s Hurricane Ike and last year’s Superstorm Sandy. Read more about White House Calls For Increased Grid Spending Comments August 12, 2013 at 07:07PM
  • China's Guangdong Province Confirms Bird-Flu Case –
    Southern China’s Guangdong province confirmed its first case of H7N9 bird flu on Saturday, rekindling concerns that the virus may be resurfacing and could spread to Hong Kong and elsewhere. August 12, 2013 at 07:07PM

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