US-Standard fĂŒr BCM NFPA 1600 in 2010-Edition veröffentlicht
Die National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hat den amerikanischen Standard für BCM in einer überarbeiteten 2010-Edition veröffentlicht. Wie der BS 25999-2 folgt der Aufbau des Standards jetzt dem PDCA-Zyklus.
Auch der Aufbau des BCM-Lifecycles ähnelt doch zunehmend dem BS 25999-Lifecycle.
Der Standard ist kostenfrei auf der Homepage der NFPA als Download verfügbar.
Hier die Dokumentation der Änderungen:
The 2010 edition of NFPA 1600 has been reordered and expanded. Chapter 4, Program Management, was expanded
to emphasize the importance of leadership and commitment; includes new requirements for defining performance
objectives; and includes new requirements for records management. Finance and administration was also
moved to the program management chapter. The most noticeable change from the 2007 edition is the rewriting of
Chapter 5 into four chapters addressing planning, implementation, testing and exercises, and program improvement.
The ordering of these chapters follows a typical program development process and is consistent with “plan, do, check, act” or continuous improvement processes. Requirements for business impact analysis, which had been previously been covered under the heading of “risk assessment” are now a separate section within Chapter 5. Chapter 6, Implementation, includes a new section on employee assistance and support. Testing and exercising was expanded within the new Chapter 7, and evaluations and corrective action have been incorporated into a new Chapter 8 on program improvement.