Stark erhöhte Radioaktivität in Tokio gemessen

Wie der RSOE Information and Diaster Information Service berichtet, wurden in der japanischen Hauptstadt Tokio in zwei Ortsteilen erhöhte Radiaktivität gemessen, die die Messwerte in der Nähe von Fukushima überschreiten:

“Moving on to the latest developments in Japan’s ongoing nuclear crisis highly radioactive substances were detected in parts of Tokyo. Japan’s Asahi Shimbun reports about 3,200 and nearly 2-thousand becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram were found in the soil of Tokyo districts of Koto and Chiyoda, respectively, from testing conducted between April 10th and the 20th. This amount is higher than what was found in the prefectures near the Fukushima plant and experts warn that other areas may be subject to radiation contamination as clusters of clouds containing radioactive material remain in the atmosphere.”

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