BCM-News Daily Digest
- Extended SEPA deadline may keep German electronic payment system running - CIO.de
Extended SEPA deadline may keep German electronic payment system running - CIO.de A six-month deadline extension could be enough to keep Germany's electronics payment system running, new German Central Bank figures on SEPA payment adoption showed Monday. - Schienensuizid : Die Leiden des Lokführers nach "Personenschaden" - Nachrichten Gesundheit - Psychologie - DIE WELT
Schienensuizid : Die Leiden des Lokführers nach "Personenschaden" - DIE WELT Jedes Jahr nehmen sich hunderte Menschen auf Bahngleisen das Leben. Jeder Lokführer muss damit rechnen, dass es ihm passiert. Trotz guter Vorbereitung ist das Erlebnis eine enorme Belastung. - 20 Million Credit Cards stolen in South Korea; 40% Population affected by the Data Leak - The Hacker News
Since all threats to data security and privacy often come from outside, but internal threats are comparatively more dangerous and a difficult new dimension to the data loss prevention challenge i.e. Data Breach. The "Insider threats" have the potential to cause greater financial losses than attacks that originate outside the company. - 6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes New Zealand - The Economic Times
6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes New Zealand - The Economic Times WELLINGTON: A strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake rattled New Zealand Monday, halting train services and knocking merchandises off shelves, but there were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries.
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