RSA Archer Business Continuity Management

Hersteller / Supplier EMC2
Link zum Hersteller / link to supplier Link
Hersteller Details / Supplier details
Aktuelle Version / actual version
Funktionsumfang / functions

Business Impact Analyse



Alarmierung / Notifier




Erstellung Notfallhandbuch

OpRisk Management

Module / modules
Mandantenfähigkeit / multi-client cap. mandantenfähig
Sprachen / languages
IT Architektur / IT Architecture
Portabilität / devices



Mobile Devices (iPhone etc.)

Schnittstellen / Interfaces


extern durch Hersteller

Ort der Datenhaltung
Lizenzmodell / License models
Anz. Installationen / No. Installations
Preise / price models
Referenzen / reference customers
Reihenfolge / Menu Order 100

Information about the tool not yet provided by the supplier.

RSA Archer Business Continuity Management provides a centralized, automated approach to business continuity and disaster recovery planning, allowing you to respond swiftly in a crisis to protect your operations.

This web-based software combines business continuity, disaster recovery, and crisis management into a single governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) system. Assess the criticality of your business processes and technologies and develop business continuity and disaster recovery plans using automated workflow for testing and approval. Then manage plan execution and communication in a crisis to minimize harm to your employees, customers, reputation, and operations.

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